My name is Ira. I’m from Kyiv. In the morning of February 24, 2022, a war started in my country…
When in the afternoon my husband and I were thinking, whether we have to run away from our home, from our hometown, and possibly from the country, we went to the store, and in the courtyard of our house I picked up this stone. It seems to me that its natural outlines are somewhat reminiscent of the shape of a heart. Seeing him, I thought that if we have to run away from the war, I want to always have a piece of my home, my land with me …
Later there were shelling of Kyiv, there were enemy missiles hitting residential buildings, there were long hours of air raids when it was necessary to hide in bomb shelters or follow the «two walls» rule… But my husband and I thought about it and decided, that we would stay in Kyiv. We knew that the enemies were already standing near the city, we heard the constant sounds of shelling and, falling asleep every night, we were not sure that we would wake up again… but our faith in the Ukrainian army was stronger. And we were right! April 2 our militaries chased away the invaders beyond the borders of the Kyiv region and make them move further, to the East of our country.
Now May 9 the war in Ukraine is still going on, civilians are dying and suffering. The threat of rocket attacks on Kyiv still exist, and almost every day sirens howls outside the window, warning of danger… But I sincerely believe in our victory and that this terrible period will end, and peace will return to Ukraine!
But what about the stone? It was with me all these days, it’s with me right now. Cause I am an NFT artist, I wanted to draw it, since creativity has become one of the factors that helps me distract myself from bad thoughts. At the end of every day of the war I’ve gone through, I make another NFT drawing with this stone… a drawing that reflects my thoughts and feelings during the day.
Under each NFT you can see the date I created it, & a short description – the brightest moments that happened on a particular day of the war.

I would be grateful to everyone for comments and to everyone who buys my NFTs. I also want to say that I decided to send 10% of the sale of each NFT picture to help the Ukrainian army.
Thank you for your attention, sincerely yours, Ira 🙂